Now this part is the comedy of the burial that I didn't know about until I heard about it afterwards at Aunt Suzy's (aka Nancy's) house. I wish I could get every one of the pall bearers to share their interesting perspectives. Casey said that the funeral director asked the stronger guys to be at the back because it is the heaviest part of the coffin. Casey was one of them and said it kept getting heavier and heavier so he had to use 2 hands. He suspected the guys at the front weren't carrying much and that he was doing most of the lifting. The funeral guy was holding the back but he believes the guy was just pretending. Joey said it wasn't bad and Casey gave him a hard time because Joey's one hand was turned backwards like it was so easy. Steven was at the back too and said it was so heavy also. They thought it wouldn't be too bad because Grandpa had lost so much weight. Apparently not enough. And then there was a joke about Uncle Bill tossing in some dirt from good old "Missour-a". Maybe it was true. Well it made us laugh.

We had the military funeral honors and flag ceremony that began with "Taps" on the bagpipes. The flag ceremony was sacred. I felt so proud of my grandpa when the officer handed my grandma the flag and said, "On behalf of the United States Military, we thank you for the honorable service your husband gave in defense of his country." (Or something like that.) It was beautiful!

I will write more later. The funeral and get-together afterwards was so wonderful. I'll write when I get pictures.
no problem mooshca! Glad I could help! :) Love you
you are back - yeah!!! I'm sorry you guys have had so much loss this summer. We love you!
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