Family, we're not in Utah anymore!

There is so much to write but I'll just give you all the highlights. We arrived safe here in Guatemala. It has been one adventure after another.

We raced to Las Vegas and barely made our flight. We had to race to the boarding gate after we had to adjust the weight in 5 of our suitcases because the weight was over its limit. Joshua vomited while Ryan was checking in the last of our luggage. The flight was a red eye. Everyone slept okay except for Ryan with his sleep apnea and fear of snoring and Noah whose ears must have been bothering him. I held him to keep him from fussing. We had a layover in Ft. Lauderdale for 3 hours then took our last flight to Guatemala City. We were exhausted but were grateful that the Williams weren't Flyers anymore. Thankfully, Ryan's Guatemalan business partner came down with us. I have no clue how we could have made that trip without his help. When we stopped at Ryan's office to meet his employees on the way out to our place I think I must have looked like a million bucks since the first thing Ryan said was something like, "We have been traveling for two days." I forgot to mention that the day before on the drive down to Vegas we stopped at a gas station and I got out to buy water. The gas station attendant said something that I couldn't understand. I asked him to repeat himself two times before I understood. He said, "It looks like you just woke up." I must have looked awful. I told him that that was the problem, I hadn't slept. Anyway, it was especially hard because I was sick and had lost my voice. That is enough complaining for now. We have had more adventures since we arrived. Joshua's luggage didn't arrive so he has been wearing the same 3 sets of clothes since last Tuesday. We have been washing our clothes by hand. We bought some used clothes for him for church. He looked handsome today in his new clothes. We should get his stuff tomorrow. My church shoes were in his bag too so I wore my black flip flops. I didn't feel funny when I got to church and saw others with flip flops too. We are trying to organize and furnish our new home. We are so excited to start school tomorrow. We went to see the school on Friday. The kids are all excited. Josh is excited to take art class. The school has its own eco system on its huge property. I will be teaching a natural science class in English and am so excited to take the kids on nature walks. Heidi illustrated her journal yesterday and it is hilarious. I will take pictures of it to share. My favorite drawings are of her blistered feet and of her taking a shower. Have you ever seen a stick figure with a belly button?


Amazed said...

Oh, I want to see Heidi's picture with a belly button! The trip down didn't sound a fun adventure but I'm ready to hear the exciting day-to-days now! Love you all and take CARE!!!!! xoxo M.

Natée said...

You made it! Yay!!! It wouldn't be near as adventurous without all of the craziness attached. Keep safe and please, please, please, update your blog often so we can hear all about it. :)

Maria Babin said...

ditto! please, please, please, please, please update your blog so we can live your guatemala experience vicariously through you! (i outpleased natée!) ;)