Counting Blessings

A year ago on my birthday, July 18, 2007, I got the best birthday present. The kids and I went to get pictures at Kiddie Kandids. Elijah was not in a good mood and I noticed that he had a temperature after when I was putting all the kids in the car around 2pm. He seemed to be getting sick quickly. He was so weak and just cried and wanted me to hold him. That evening Ryan had to go to scouts. I decided I would take Elijah to Instacare to see what was wrong. So Ryan took the two older kids with him and I had Elijah and the baby. After they left, I put Elijah in the tub to cool him down. Then I dressed him and laid him in his crib to look for a thermometer. When I left the room I heard him make the strangest cry. I ran back into to room. His eyes were rolled back and he was convulsing. His head was twitching to one side and his whole body was shaking. His breathing stopped. I was terrified. I picked him up, cried, and started praying out loud while running to the phone. I called 911 and he started vomiting during the call. Then he stopped and just lay still but he was breathing and moaning. It was so strange to see my normally wild child laying there almost lifeless. The fire station came within 5 minutes. They decided to take him to the hospital. My adorable neighbor came immediately and offered help. She took the baby. Ryan came back from church with the bishop and the kids. They followed the ambulance. I had a million thoughts running through my head. I was so afraid of losing my precious Elijah. I prayed so hard. Then in the end they said it was just a febrile seizure which is quite common in early childhood. If it were to happen again I didn't need to do anything unless it were to last longer than 5 minutes. It hasn't happened again but it was so scary and I hope it never happens again. I was so happy that God protected my sweet boy giving me the the best 32nd birthday present ever--life.

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