I just received word that my grandfather passed away last night. I am deeply saddened. I regret not going to visit with him one last time. I really wanted to visit him and soak up his sweet spirit and tell him that I love him. I hope he knows. I am grateful that I was able to see him last August before we went to Guatemala. He said goodbye like it would be our last. In January he took a turn for the worst and we thought he would not make it. He made us think that he had the nine lives of a cat. We have prayed for him ever since to be comforted and not suffer.
He was born May 13, 1919 in Missouri. He loved to play the fiddle, sing, and write music. He served in WWII and was injured. He lived with shrapnel imbedded in his body since that day. He was the construction foreman for the Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda, The Bod Newhart Show, and many others. Here is a link to his resume http://posters.imdb.com/name/nm0032289/ He survived a car accident. He survived cancer. He loved doing family history. He loved to build. He loved being surrounded by family.
My favorite memory of him is when he would play "The Reseda Blister" on the fiddle with Grandma playing the piano alongside him. He mowed our 2 acres in Missouri on his riding mower and I remember bringing him lemonade when he was done. I remember him making big birdhouses for the sparrows. I loved how tender and choked up he would get when he would share something special. I loved how he called me "Tuts" or "Toots" (however you spell that) and love to hear that name as my Heidi is called the same by her Grandpa Williams.
Grandpa, you are free at last from the pains of this world. No more restricted diets, bad knees, or allergies (just to name a few). Now we will pray for Grandma to be comforted with your loss as I am sure she will miss you the most.
Grandpa, thanks for leaving us a wonderful legacy. You have given us the gift of music. You have given us a love of God. You have given me your good looks(lol). I never knew what to say when people would tell me that I looked like my grandpa and my dad since I'm a girl. However, I'm grateful that I can look in the mirror and see a bit of you. I'm grateful for the living memory I hold in my arms. Our baby Noah (aka "Little Lloyd") looks just like you. I love how through the generations we can pass on bits of ourselves. We love you and miss you greatly. We all look forward to that sweet reunion on the other side when we are all whole, young, and wise. How happy it will be!
Thanks Marci. Noone could have said it better. Since I heard, I have been imagining him looking about like the photo you just posted. In his military attire and handsome as ever! The cool thing I keep thinking is that he is effortlessly walking! I can't wait to know him that way :) Thanks for all your words of wisdom. You are an inspiriation to me in more ways than you know. Love you! Chelsea
What a wonderful post and tribute, Marci! Just beautiful! Mom W.
And what a darling, darling banner picture of the kids!
Marsha, love the story you e-mailes everyone about grandpa. I didn't know as much about him as I thought I did and it makes me sad because there were a lot of really cool things about him. Thanks for sharing your memories as well. Now Heidi has a family member that was with us for a while too. :) love you.
I saw a link to your blog on Lizy's. Your kids are so cute!!
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