What are your passions?

Okay anyone who may be reading this, I want to know what your passions are. I am stealing this idea from my mother-in-law.

Today I want you to share your passions. It can’t be family or gospel/ God, because I take it for granted that the people I love (and people that find this blog) will love both. Tell me 5 things you are passionate about.

Here are mine.

1.Music speaks to my soul. It fills me. It softens my heart. Makes me want to dance. Smile. Cry. Fills me with the Spirit. Makes me feel whole. I love to think of Maria on the mountains in Austria singing "The Hills are Alive". I guess that is what music makes me feel the most...alive.
2. Reading a great book. Seeing the world through someone else's eyes. Learning from them. From their mistakes, successes, pain. They are my friends. The best books are the ones that change me and make me a better person.
3. Natural things. Natural childbirth. Home/waterbirth. Homeschooling. Whole foods nutrition. Organic gardening. Looking at the stars. Soaking up the sun. Camping. Enjoying God's creations. All things natural except that "The natural man is an enemy to God." I love being earthy, crunchy granola.
4. Dancing. Okay. I don't dance but in my mind I am a fabulous dancer. It makes me smile. It gets my heart beating. It is a great workout in theory. I am very graceful.
5. Theater. Okay. I don't act but in my mind I am a fabulous actress. I get to be someone else. Live another life. Wear different clothes. Live in another time period. (Okay #4 and #5 show me I a passionate dreamer.)

1 comment:

reservationcounter said...

1. Marci
2. Marci
3. Marci
4. Marci
5. Marci

- Rohayhu!