What a wonderful year!

This year has been an amazing journey and it continues. I have wanted to homeschool my children for years now and just didn't have the guts to do something different and unpopular. This year at a leadership education training from George Wythe University I was asked this question: "When you look into the eyes of your children and grandchildren, when you see their potential and their greatness, do you feel that they are getting the education that is up to par with who they were born to become?"

This question has gone through my mind over and over again. My choice to teach at home has been difficult but also very liberating (like homebirth). I realize that not everyone can or desires to exclusively teach their children at home. I am grateful that I have the choice to give my children a great liberal arts education and that we can do it together. One of my greatest reasons to teach my children at home was to strengthen our family so that we could spend more time together, travel, and enjoy learning as a family. Our family culture is changing. I feel closer as a family and less stressed.

My vision of what I want is still coming into focus. However, I do know that I want a beautiful family culture. We are trying to turn off the noises of the world and turn up the sweet sounds of God's spirit. One of my leaders from church invited us to make that our goal for 2008. It has been a difficult but rewarding process that is still in the works. Changing from my weaknesses is a painful process. I am coming face to face with who I really am and it scares me how much I need to change. I believe that one of the most important things that we learn in this life is how to treat others kindly. Jesus Christ, our Savior, lived a life filled with perfect love. I am a totally different person when I feel that love completely. I feel that I am at one with God. I am my true self stripped of pride and selfishness. I long for the peace that comes with that feeling. I feel like a little child again.

One of my great questions that I keep asking myself is "How can I keep that feeling and not slip back to my old ways and be who I truly am meant to be without being humbled?" "What can I do to keep that desire to do good continually?" "How can I always remember Him (Jesus)?" "How can I always have God's love in my heart and Spirit in my life?" I am grateful to God for the gift of repentance and forgiveness because I need it so badly. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for all the wonderful people He has placed in my life this year, for helping me on this path. I am grateful to my husband and children for being patient with me. I hope that I can love them more and bless their lives as well as bless others.


Liz said...

I am so glad that you finally posted. Your family is so beautiful.
You are my hero for doing what you know is right and now what is popular.
Good luck with everything.

Andrea said...

What a cute little family!!

Natée said...

Marci-you are amazing! You are just one those ultra-inspiring people and I feel lucky to have you for a friend.

K Silvestro said...

Hi Marci!
Your family is beautiful, and the beautiful spirit that flourishes in your home shines in your children's eyes.

You are exceptional, but that is nothing new, as I saw your complete dedication to the Lord in the "wilderness" of Paraguay's red dusty roads. It doesn't surprise me that the same dedication flows through you, now coupled by the yearnings a Mother in Zion has as she desires every good thing for her children. We know our children are an inheritance of the Lord and are His spirit children.

I may be far and out of touch, but I love you all he same.

Amazed said...

A beautiful post!

Maria Babin said...

marci, you look like you're still 21! i love to see you and your beautiful family. you look beautiful! your children are gorgeous! my blog is babinblogger.blogspot.com come visit!